
Cover Art: “The Magnitude of the First Drink” by Sylvane Despretz

FULL DISCLOSURE: (4/10/2022) Customers have N OT found that this workbook stands on its own.  At the very least, one needs to immemmerse in the accompanying articles to fully comprehend the process and rationale.  My later book (2018) Getting it: Eight Facts that fuel recovery, on Amazon (6.99 paper, 4.99 kindle)  devotes one whole chapter to each the eight “motivational discrepancies,” without the clinical jargon.  It is cheaper and written to be read and discussed with patients. Stories, anecdotes, humor and metaphors – you get the idea.Each chapter includes an exercise to help patients “get” the subject of the chapter, pretty much taken from the workbook..  Free: I read the whole thing, amateurishly and enthusiastically, on YouTube at GettingIt EightFacts. The chapters are in order on the playlist. A group might well watch individual chapters, pausing for discussion as counselor and group see fit. Also, feel free to print any of the articles on this webpage to share with clients.
If anyone is interested in my out of print book, WHITE KNUCKLES AND WISHFUL THINKING, Learning from the Moment of Relapse Alcoholism and Other Addictions, I am using the original MS to create word versions I can send on request. I’m told the material on denial and relapse are not found elsewhere.

Hopefully, you will find everything here to inform  your decision to NOT use this workbook.  The menu links on the left let you choose what  you would most like to know. To give you a little more of an idea:

1. “What it is”  lays out  the essence of the workbook in a bullet format.

2. “Blog” gives you my weekly thoughts, mostly arising from actual use of the workbook .

3. “Origins and Development”  is a narrative sketch of how these ideas evolved over the decades.

4. “Articles Behind Workbook” gives you five articles published since 2006 which lay out the clinical and theoretical basis for the workbook.

5.”Workshops Introduction”  offers you a menu of its own for learning this material  and/or bringing it to your setting.

6. “Facilitator”s Guide” is still under construction, will be an important page for those of you who have purchased the workbook . (Never done! 4/10/2022.)